Houston Elder Law Attorney

As we get older, concerns about a range of issues related to health care, guardianship, retirement and disability must be addressed to avoid unforeseen and complicated legal problems for ourselves and our loved ones. The law office of Bain & Bain PLLC elder law attorney will carefully and skillfully guide you through all of your questions and concerns about long term care planning including Medicaid, Social Security and family care. Benefit from the peace of mind acquired through knowing that important legal matters including decisions about financial power of attorney and health care power of attorney will be organized and managed by a qualified Houston lawyer experienced with elder law.

How can an Elder Law Attorney Provide Assistance?

Elder Law is an area of law practice that provides you with the formal financial and legal tools required to protect your assets, care for your family and make your own important decisions about long term health care. Bain & Bain PLLC provides personalized services that help individuals prepare for a range of financial, health and family situations in the later stages of life. Consult with me in the comfort of my Houston law office if you are seeking to:

  • Organize your important documents for safekeeping and wish to decide upon the person or persons who will make decisions on your behalf.
  • Find answers to your questions regarding long term health care planning, family care and Medicaid.
  • Discuss issues of guardianship for yourself or a family member who has not established powers of attorney and is now incapacitated.
  • Obtain solid legal representation when guardianship disputes arise.
  • Require legal protection in the event of financial abuse and mismanagement of your assets or the assets of a loved one.
  • Inform yourself in the event that a family member requires long-term health care.

Asset Protection

An elder law attorney can address all of your concerns regarding the toll that long-term health care can have on your savings. The financial ramification can become even more worrisome in cases where one spouse is ill and the other healthy. Bain & Bain PLLC offers practical advice to preserve the bulk of your assets from being consumed entirely by long-term health care expenses through a range of financial planning options that will benefit you and your beneficiaries.


Power of attorney and other important financial decisions are essential to a secure and organized estate plan. If you have not named the person to represent you in the event of your incapacitation, not only will your family be burdened with the stress and delay of a costly guardianship proceeding for which you will not have any input, but your assets may not be handled as you prefer. Bain & Bain PLLC provides practical legal guidance for managing your guardianship issues now to ensure your property and assets are protected and that your chosen health care and strategies are carried out.

For answers to any questions on these and any other legal matter, contact Bain & Bain PLLC elder law attorney to set up an appointment at my Houston law office to discuss your specific concerns and requirements.